Site Management Plan

Activities for 2019-20 – While most site management effort is focused on the fruit trees and surrounding mature tree-scape there are 4-5  features to be noted in this western half of the green space between the oak trees and the public footpath which connects Kendal Gardens with Derwent Road. They are low maintenance but reviewed annually. The 3 horse chestnut trees which use to grow in this area have now been removed and new, smaller trees added for future generations. Two of the trees beside the footpath are Midland hawthorn, planted in 2012. These are memorial trees – the northern one planted by the Residents Association in memory of Janet Dyer, for a number of years an active community member and Chair of the Kempshott and District Residents’ Association. The southern Midland Red Hawthorn was donated by Sandra Johnson in memory of friends.

>>> Details of work party dates for the Orchard