Category: News

Loss of Data

We had a major problem with our hosting service some time back. They had to recover an older version of the website which resulted in a loss of the more recent posts and page updates.

Categories: Miscellaneous, News

Work Parties 2021-22

11/10/21Sun 10.00 – 12.30The Old Orchard (Kendal Gardens)
22/10/21Thu 14.00 – 16.30The Old Orchard (Kendal Gardens)
01/11/21Sun 10.00 – 12.30 The Old Orchard (Kendal Gardens)
12/11/21Thu 14.00 – 16.30 Down Grange Meadow (Meet Homesteads Rd entrance)
22/11/21Sun 10.00 – 12.30 The Old Orchard (Kendal Gardens)
03/12/21Thu 14.00 – 16.30 The Old Hedgerow (Coniston Road)
13/12/21Sun 10.00 – 12.30 Down Grange Meadow (Meet Homesteads Rd entrance)
07/01/22Thu 14.00 – 16.30 The Old Hedgerow (Coniston Road)
17/01/22 Sun 10.00 – 12.30 Down Grange Meadow (Meet Homesteads Rd entrance)
28/01/22Thu 14.00 – 16.30 The Old Hedgerow (Coniston Road)
07/02/22Sun 10.00 – 12.30 Down Grange Meadow (Meet Homesteads Rd entrance)
18/02/22Thu 14.00 – 16.30 The Old Hedgerow (Coniston Road)
28/02/22Sun 10.00 – 12.30 Down Grange Meadow (Meet Homesteads Rd entrance)
11/03/22Thu 14.00 – 16.30 Down Grange Meadow (Meet Homesteads Rd entrance)
21/03/22Sun 10.00 – 12.30 The Old Orchard (Kendal Gardens)

As in recent years, we have concentrated the Sundays in the run up to Christmas in the Orchard, with the Thursday sessions split between DGM and the Old Hedgerow.

After Christmas we may change the venues, so check back later.



There have been hedgehogs in the Orchard for a number of years. As a nocturnal animal which hibernates in Winter it is difficult to say how many we have or have had. We do not see them every year when working on the winter maintenance programme –and when we do it usually means there is a problem!

Hedgehogs are in trouble throughout the UK with numbers falling rapidly over the last 25 years. Kempshott has a number of hedgehog hot spots – we know of at least 3 between Kempshott Lane and the Roman Trackway to the west. We would dearly like to support a hotspot  in the north east of the ward – and The Orchard is a perfect spot with several good hibernation areas (mainly the piles of maintenance arisings which we accumulate each year and removed every year or two in mid-summer when hedgehogs need them least).

But hedgehogs need space – good foraging space – and adjacent gardens are the perfect places. For that to work we need to create a series of Hedgehog Highways – it’s simple, all that is needed is a single hole 13cms (or 5 inches) square at the bottom of your fence to let hedgehogs in and out of your garden.

More details on whats required and how to do it!

This month we found a small hoglet which we have taken to Hart Animal Rescue as it was under weight and would not survive the Winter without help. We hope to pick  it up again in Spring and release it back into the Orchard.

Meanwhile, we need to prepare a more viable environment for next Spring. Will you or anyone in your family  join us and make a Highway?

There’s lots more information at Hedgehog Street

We have generated a map of recent hedgehog activity in Kempshott


Categories: Miscellaneous, News

New Toys

The Group has acquired two Treepoppers. These are simple bits of kit to lift troublesome saplings and small trees, such as Ash and Cherry. These seed or sucker freely and if not kept under control can quickly spread. In the past we have tried taking these saplings out but hand using Azardas, but this has proved ineffective as it is difficult to remove all the roots.

The Treepopper is a simple device from South Africa that was developed to remove Australian Acacia which is an invasive species there.



Categories: News

Memorial Tree Planting

In association with the Kempshott and District Residents Asssociation Kempshott Conservation Group will be planting two memorial  standard Hawthorn trees beside the path from Kendal Gardens to Derwent Road.

Further details of their dedication and the planting  will follow.




Categories: Events, News